Is Sleeping on Back, Best For a 4-Month Old Baby?

If you are concerned about the best sleeping position for your baby, then definitely it is safest to put them on their back to sleep. Of course! It is the best and the safest position. Infants should not be put on their fronts or on their sides. It increases the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). But mothers need not be too afraid of it if the baby turns by himself. Gently shift your baby to their back position. It is the safest you can follow. The same goes when your baby is in the crib. If your paediatrician has advised you not to do so for a medical reason, it’s better to follow it carefully.

We at Sleep Baker always follow the standards and go by the rules. Most of us and our consultants have experienced raising our own kids. Sleep Baker’s gentle sleep consultant Sydney team is experienced in handling babies for the past 2 decades. It has made us a sought after night nanny agency in Sydney. Our 4-month sleep regression solution for many families has earned us a great reputation that many families have been contacting us for a home visit. During few of these visits, many families, rather first time mothers were concerned about their babies falling asleep on their sides or on their stomach. It’s alright if the baby is not facing any medical condition. But it should happen gradually on its own. You should never put your babies on their stomach or on their sides. This makes them difficult to breath and they are trapped. Thus to avoid any accidents it is safe to put the babies on their back.

Another important thing here to remember is that the surface should be flat. The mattress should not be propped or the crib should not be inclined. Once your baby is capable of rolling on its own, they will find their way to come back to the original position. You will know by then, which position your baby likes the most. With the first few times, they would roll into their tummy and start playing. Give your baby a little play time. You don’t have to keep a check the whole night.

It is important that you follow the routine everyday. Let’s understand that it is difficult for babies to adjust to their back sleeping position, when they have been sleeping in a different position in their mother’s womb. Especially for preemie babies, who are in neo-natal care, it is very hard for them to adapt to different positions. But, they are under constant supervision. The specialists at the hospital take care of NICU babies. By the time they come home, they will be sleeping on their backs. Visit if you are looking online for lactation consultant Sydney.


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