How Sleep Baker’s Lactation Consultant Help New Moms Nurse Their Babies

A new mother often has a lot going on in her mind and is worried about the tiny bundle of joy in her hands. The emotions of a first time mother are enormous that includes a lot of questions that need to be answered immediately. From holding the baby to positioning her in your arms, someone needs to help you out. At Sleep Baker, we know and understand this. Amidst the joy comes feeding your newborn. To help a new mother feed her baby effectively for the first time and teach her ways and means to keep the baby healthy, is the work of a lactation consultant.  If you are looking for lactation consultant, Sydney call Sleep Baker for help. Expected parents-to-be are given prenatal education and are prepared for the responsibilities they are to fulfill in order to raise a healthy and happy child.

Nursing is something that might not come easily to every mother. But according to studies and researches breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed your baby. This helps the baby to be stronger and develop a healthy immune system. It is well known that mother’s milk is the best food for the first 6 months of a baby’s life. But most mums give up in their first month of breastfeeding. That's where lactation consultants come in to help you. Sleep Baker’s lactation consultant expert says that breastfeeding is not only healthy for babies but it is beneficial for moms also. Exclusively breastfeeding the baby for the first 6 months is recommended by Pediatrics worldwide. Even better if it continues into the first year and further until both mother and baby are comfortable to do so. Even if you are not making enough milk, you don’t have to lose heart and stop nursing your baby. It happens that many of you may have sore breasts, but continuing with the help of our lactation consultant Sydney will lead you to successfully nurse your baby to the fullest. Our lactation experts specialize in breastfeeding techniques and also have a 4-month sleep regression solution that is developed by babies around their 4 months of age.

Tips on how to nurse a baby and boosting the feeding rates are taught by our lactation consultants. With the help of our lactation experts, many moms have embraced exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months and moved on happily into their first year. Troubles like poor milk production, baby’s refusal to your milk, struggling to get the right position after a c-section, long painful sessions of feeding, exhaustion etc. can all be overcome with the tactful advice of our lactation consultant. Mothers can also choose to get a personalized advice or contact through messages or chats. Visit for more information and details. 


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