The Difference between 4-Month Sleep Regression and Teething

Is your baby not sleeping at night? Does your baby seem to be restless through the day with little to no naps and night waking is in a full swing? Have you been worried and constantly checking the room temperature, checking if baby is crying because of hunger, checking for uncomfortable diapers, teething pain or sleep regression. It’s a guessing game that you have been playing for about a more than a week now. Don’t worry Anna Baker’s 4-month sleep regression solution will help you know the causes of your baby’s sudden change in sleep routine. If it’s a problem related to breast feeding, the consultant also known as lactation consultant Sydney at Sleep Baker will guide you on how to establish feeding routine successfully. 

Although it's easy to say for a consultant, if a baby is experiencing a 4-month sleep regression or teething pain, but parents may not be able to tell the difference. It’s not necessary that a 4-month sleep regression will happen only at 4th month. It may happen anywhere between 4th to 6th months. The most common regressions happen in 4 months, 8-10 months, 1 and a half to 2 years. At these stages the baby who has been sleeping with a good routine may appear to sleep very less or keep waking all through the night. There is less fuss but more waking. 

While teething often typically shows wide symptoms. Some common symptoms may be drooling, putting almost all the things into the mouth, swollen or reddish gums, fussy and cranky, pulling ears, denying eating or asking to be fed often. These vary from baby to baby. The best way to tell the difference is to keep a check on the baby at day time. Observing your baby at day time instead of worrying at night might help you guess exactly. Once you analyse as a mother, you will surely get what’s happening at a particular point of time with your baby. 

If your baby is not sleep trained Amy, from the sleep consultant team recommends beginning sleep training at an early age of 4-5 months old. This age is appropriate because babies learn to soothe themselves and need less night feedings. The sleep cycle of babies at this age begins to change and advance to the next level. Their mature sleep cycles will regulate their sleep-wake timings. Though some babies learn quickly and some may learn a little later, with enough patience and endurance the phase will pass on quickly. A consultation will also help in getting the much needed sleep, a baby’s parent needs after child birth. If you are not sure about this, check with your Paediatrician to confirm. Visit  for information on appointments and consultation booking. 


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