All Questions Answered About How Night Nannies, Sydney Work?

Night Nannies at Sleep Baker are trained newborn night care professionals, while there are nannies that take care of your kids in day as well. They train your babies to follow a regular sleep routine. They also take care of your babies and toddlers who are going through sleep regressions as certain growth spurts in their growing age. Babies, who are going through the phase of 4th month sleep regression, need a proper solution and their parents need to learn the tips and tricks to make the baby peacefully sleep throughout the night. Keeping in mind the difficulties faced by the first time parents who don’t know about this phase and need support, Anna Baker and her gentle sleep consultant Sydney team, have launched a self settling guide for babies that need a 4-month sleep regression solution. The guide has comprehensive information on how to handle the sleep regression phase and get through it smoothly.

In this blog, you will receive the answers to the frequently asked questions and clear all your doubts on how the team of night nannies Sydney at Sleep Baker works. The most basic question that a newborn’s mother or a father wonders is; do we need a night nanny? Absolutely Yes! You would need our night nannies when you can no longer manage your baby and your daily chores, without having been slept for 2-3 nights in a row. Before you lose your sanity or go into a state of depression. You should hire our night nannies and get rid of all the confusion and loosen the burden that may otherwise take a toll on your health. To get a peaceful night’s sleep should be on your routine every day. This is only possible when your baby is sleeping throughout the night without waking you up, unless he/she is hungry. Though after the feeding session is over, the baby may take some time to settle into a peaceful sleep, but no matter what it should happen. If this isn’t happening, you should talk to our gentle sleep consultant Sydney team.

It's common for mothers to drift off while feeding and may not have the energy to wind down and settle their baby if they're exhausted. The baby may wake up again. Another round may require more winding and possibly another feeding, and this circle may tire the mother even more. An exhausted mother cannot continue to do work, and this may stress her out even more. The night nanny will help you keep the baby well fed and get a complete rest for you. She may wake you once or twice for feeding but will settle the baby herself once the baby has been fed or changed. She will also gently let the baby soothe itself in the process. There will be more points and tips in the coming blogs. Keep following us or visit to hire us.


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