4th Month Sleep Regression Effects on Baby Sleep Schedule

Have you stated to sleep train your baby? Did you know that when your baby may wander away from your sleep routine if your baby is undergoing the 4th month sleep regression? Your baby gets growth spurts every few weeks. The need for baby to fall into a regular deep sleep cycle is what a 4th month sleep regression is. This may happen anytime between 12 weeks and 20 weeks. For some babies, this might happen at the beginning of the 3rd month and for some it may happen at the end of their 5th month. But the phase seems to drag on and on until you maintain a regular sleep routine suitable for your family, and gently habituate your baby to fall into it. This may seem easy, but ask those new mums out there, it seems confusing and a lot of work. 

At Anna Baker’s gentle sleep consultant Sydney, we provide 4-month sleep regression solution. But before we come up with solutions we need to know the exact cause of it. Changing routines again and again will be agonizing for your baby, you and your family. Every baby has this transition phase. After the phase ends babies might have another few of the regression stages or some babies simply sleep throughout the night without any problems at all. It’s a good sign though. Brain development happens in those phases. A baby develops into an adult. Some signs that you can identify on your own before it completely disrupts your baby’s sleep routine. Taking short naps of 15-40 minutes and waking with fuzziness. Waking a lot at night, around every 1 or 2 hours for example. Baby wanting to sleep in your arms and crying when you put them down or cannot put your awake baby in the crib. Cannot put to sleep easily, and baby asks to put the same way to sleep; either by feeding or rocking. These are some signs that you should get a clue from. These are going to affect your baby’s sleep schedule.

If you are facing such problems, you should proactively take the help of our gentle sleep consultant Sydney or lactation consultant Sydney. They will help settle your baby into a habit and routine that will not disrupt your sleep and routine. Home visits and staying overnight at your home with your baby, will help you and your family to get the much needed rest that you desire. At the same time the baby will be easily brought into routine customised according to your family’s needs. Following the right schedule and most importantly following it consistently is the key to successfully pass this phase. We understand that it is easier said than done, but believe us it has helped all those parents who have approached us for help. Visit https://sleepbaker.com/  for information on a customised 4-month sleep regression solution. 


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