How Sleep Baker’s Lactation Consultant Helps You in Nursing Your Baby
Nursing your new born baby? Wondering if you are breastfeeding the baby enough? Why does your baby keep asking for more? Or are you facing a problem of latching or leaking. Breast feeding is the best way for a mom and her baby to be healthy. We at Sleep Baker know that breastfeeding is not easy as they say. For some moms it comes naturally but not for everyone. That’s where you need our lactation consultant’s help. Only breastfeeding is recommended in the first six months to a new born. As long as the mother and child benefit from it, it is recommended to continue without any breaks. Not all, but many moms face issues of babies not latching, or not having enough milk, soreness etc. To help deal with these problems and guide mothers on how to accomplish this task, we at Sleep Baker have lactation consultant Sydney who are specialised and certified healthcare consultants in this area. So don’t lose hope in the very first month moms! What all do our lactation consultants do? We help...